"My mission is to
encourage, equip, and empower people to live, learn, lead, and love without limits."
Dr. Sheryl Kenan James

I am a native Texan, living my best life in Tennessee as an empty nester with my amazing husband. I have been blessed with several passions, interests, and skill sets, and this site includes a little bit of all of them. Like many of you, my life is a living testimony; I have a story that would make skeptics of faith believe in God. Daily, I thank Him because He gives me the grace to put my story into words/writing, all with the ultimate benefit of His glory. As a Believer, I am so grateful that although my story is still being written, I already know the conclusion…I (we) win! Thanks for visiting my site. My hope is that I am able to inspire and encourage you through a blog, a resource, a sermon, or face to face in your city, congregation, conference, or event. I am a lover of life and people, and as the members of my church often hear me say, “I enjoy doing this life with you.” Let’s stay connected.